A leading expert in knowledge management, Joshua Fireman is Fireman & Company’s founder and president. He has practiced law with two of North America’s largest law firms and was in-house counsel at a multi-billion dollar multinational corporation. Joshua is recognized as one of the leading experts in law firm strategic consulting and is a recognized thought leader in knowledge management.
(1/5) Modern Knowledge Management
Understand why the right balance of people, process and technology is the foundation to building a modern KM platform that will transform your organization into a knowledge management and enterprise search powerhouse.
(2/5) Knowledge Management Maturity Model
In the world of Knowledge Management, following the path of a prescriptive maturity model will set you up for success. Learn how to capitalize on benefits immediately and enhance the value in each step of the journey as you build and grow.
(3/5) End User Adoption
The latest AI and search technology won’t be effective without first understanding how your end users will be using the solution. Find out how combining human investment and technology can help you discover more about existing workflows and incorporate feedback, leading to exponential growing levels of success.
(4/5) Understand the Security Benefit
You can leverage your DMS and simplify your IT infrastructure investment, but the hidden value is the knowledge that automatically inherits security in a governed DMS. Understand the ‘halo effect’ of enterprise search and the impact it has on security.
(5/5) Understand how to get started
The journey to a modern KM can be a rewarding endeavor every step of the way if planned effectively, following the maturity model. Listen as Joshua Fireman summarizes key steps to get you started on your path to success.
‘Why Is A DMS Like A Record Shop?’ – iManage RAVN GM, Nick Thomson
The Continuing Evolution of KM
7 Key Characteristics of Modern Knowledge Management
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Sr. Title Manager, CompanyName
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Sr. Title Manager, CompanyName
Pellentesque non magna eget ex lobortis finibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.